# of watchers: 11
| D20: 19 |
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2009-10-19 [Legendary]: Irene:tell me
HEatra:you ok
Jasmine:were am..i...
Rayko:do you know the demons name
2009-10-19 [WASHACKED]: Jace shook his head
2009-10-19 [Legendary]: Irene:seductiv
2009-10-19 [bronze dragon]: gets up slowly prying the stone from my chest "yea but the stone is as full as it can get she will have residual power but its no longer overloading her she should wake up in a couple of days"
2009-10-19 [Legendary]: Jasmine:umm...
Heatra:so much for days
2009-10-19 [bronze dragon]: looks at her "wow that was fast"
2009-10-19 [Legendary]: Jasmine:umm..w
(Duel800 is out :D)
2009-10-19 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna shook her head, "No, grandma never told me."
2009-10-19 [bronze dragon]: "your body was overloaded with magic"
2009-10-19 [Legendary]: Jasmine:Magic.
Rayko:can you tell me what it looked like
2009-10-19 [bronze dragon]: vardin turns into full dragon form in front of her eyes "then explain this"
2009-10-19 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna, "I'm not sure."
2009-10-19 [Legendary]: Jasmine:trick >.>
Heatra:-laughs histarically-
Rayko:would the demon recognize you?
2009-10-19 [Legendary]: (ok now im really getting off im tired :D)
2009-10-19 [bronze dragon]: vardin shrinks down and lands on her shoulder wrapping my tail around her neck lightly "really then feel my skin are you sure this is a trick?"
2009-10-19 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna, "Maybe if he was to track my magical enegry, but I keep it cloaked at all times, so know one can follow me."
2009-10-19 [WASHACKED]: Jace blushed and shook his head, "I stoped becauseI forgot."
2009-10-19 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna shugs, "If the demon saw me, then maybe he might recognize me."
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Rayko:perhaps we should find the demon in question
Heatra:yup :D
2009-10-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna , "Why would we want to do that?!?"
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Rayko:you want justice for your family dont you?
2009-10-20 [bronze dragon]: vardin looks into jasmines eyes "its nothing about being a freak dose my skin feel like the human I was before?"
2009-10-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna nods, "But am not a killer Rayko."
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Jasmine:i....i want to be normal
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Rayko:i wont kill the demon..well this one anyway...but punish the demon
2009-10-20 [bronze dragon]: vardin turns back into human form standing before her handing her the stone "this holds magic that I removed from your body its rightfully yours"
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Jasmine:touche
2009-10-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna, "You don't understand. It wasn't just one it was a group of them."
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Rayko:allow us to help...now we far outnumber them
2009-10-20 [bronze dragon]: vardin smiles as I slowly pull my blades out of there sheathes as they take on the characteristic
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Heatra:what exactlly is it your absorbing Vardin?
2009-10-20 [bronze dragon]: "nothing just showing her that magic has multiple facits" I combine my blades and they form a single diamond blade.
2009-10-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna, "Why would you guys help me? Why do you care weather my family has justice?"
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Jasmine: O.O pretty
Rayko:stops drinking and looks at her- because its the right thing to do
2009-10-20 [bronze dragon]: vardin has the blades revert to there normal fourms and sheathes them "magic is a beautiful thing few get to have its gift. especially of this power.
2009-10-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna nods and plays with necklace.
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Jasmine:but...
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Rayko:-offers hand- may i?
2009-10-20 [bronze dragon]: "well try forming it in to a sphere in your hand"
2009-10-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna nods and take off her necklace and hands it to Rayko."Be careful with it. It's really old."
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Jasmine:well -opens hand and heatra's hair fizz's-
Heatra: O.O
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Rayko:touches it and it glows-
2009-10-20 [bronze dragon]: vardin laughs a little as his hair is standing on end "apparently you control electricity and lightning"
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Jasmine:umm...
2009-10-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna watches Rayko.
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Rayko:ah it has elemental backgrounds...
2009-10-20 [bronze dragon]: vardin laughs "what Iam sure I look verry funny but I think we should return to the others"wings erupt from my back
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Jasmine:umm...
Heatra:eyes change- that name
2009-10-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna nods, "The necklace was made when the fire stone was found by my family 200 years ago. And that is when we protected the stone and it has alway protected us."
2009-10-20 [bronze dragon]: "heatra calm down"
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Rayko:to an extent...i smell.....the stone has the same scent as oceana
Heatra:that bitch...she's here >.<
Jasmine:um does he always have red lightning around him?
2009-10-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna smiles and seat on the ground. "May I have my necklace back?"
2009-10-20 [bronze dragon]: vardin spins around and draws his sword forcing the flames into it so that the huts don't catch flame yells "heatra calm down there innocents here"
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Heatra:then ill take it to her -raises into air and explodes into the distance-
Rayko:-smiles- sure -hands back then looks up- wow its getting warm
2009-10-20 [bronze dragon]: vardin grabs jasmin and flies back to the others as fast as I can "damn this isn't good"
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Rayko:lemme guess....Heatr
2009-10-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna looked at Rayko,"Who is Oceana?"
2009-10-20 [bronze dragon]: vardin sets jasmine down "yes he did almost destroyed my blade as well as a village"
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Rayko:ugh i better find him...well...w
Irene:-in village- come on jace tell me
2009-10-20 [WASHACKED]: Jace, "I forgot."
2009-10-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna, "Ummm Rayko you didn't answer my question."
2009-10-20 [bronze dragon]: vardin looks at rayna "you and jasmine stay here"
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Irene:ok then -flips her dress up slightly then walks into hut-
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Rayko:Oceana is....well...H
2009-10-20 [WASHACKED]: Jace rolled his eyes and fallowed her in
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Irene:sitting on log shapped chair-
(ok guys next 2 battles
HEatra vs Oceana
Irene and Jace vs Domnitrix )
2009-10-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna nods, then turns to Jasmine, "I'm Rayna the keeper of the fire stone it's niceto meet you." She holds out her hand.
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Jasmine:umm..i
2009-10-20 [bronze dragon]: vardin sits down taking out a crystal orb
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Rayko:i better find him -takes off-
2009-10-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna nods, "So what kind of magic do you do?" She sat back down.
2009-10-20 [WASHACKED]: (OK^^)
Jace at by here
2009-10-20 [bronze dragon]: vardin locate heatra by the massive amount of magic he is putting out. then gives rayna a hug before I take off after him flying at maximum speed.
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Jasmine:well..
2009-10-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna didn't move when she got the hug off the dragon.When he was gone she looks at Jasmine and nods, "Well my magic is fire." She makes a blue fire ball appear in her hand.
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Jasmine:umm lemme try...-opens hand and thunder circles her again-
2009-10-20 [bronze dragon]: vardin lads back where he took off from gazeing from left to right"the signal is gone"
2009-10-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna's pink hair fizzs, "Hmmmmm."
2009-10-20 [bronze dragon]: vardin tosses to rings tward you two one with a ruby the other with a topaz in it.
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Jasmine:sorry
2009-10-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna smiles, "It's ok." She makes her fire go out.
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Jasmine:shuts hand-
2009-10-20 [bronze dragon]: each ring is laying at the respective owners feet "rayna did you drop some thing you to jasmine?"
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Jasmine:umm...
2009-10-20 [bronze dragon]: "well you two may want to check" the rings glint some what magically
2009-10-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna jumps up, "My fire stone! Oh god no!"She looks for it.
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Jasmine:umm..o
2009-10-20 [bronze dragon]: the rings float up onto your fingers
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Jasmine:...wow
2009-10-20 [bronze dragon]: a topaz ring is on jasmines finger and a ruby ring is on rayna's finger. "they suit you both quite well"
2009-10-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna dosen't look at the ring she checks her pocket and pulls out the stone,and sighs and puts it back. She looks at the girl,"Ummmmm what dose?"
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Jasmine:the ring on your finger
2009-10-20 [bronze dragon]: vardin walks up to you both "you know you two could easily get hurt paying so little attention to your surroundings"
2009-10-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna looks at her finger and see a ruby ring on it."Why would you give me this?"
2009-10-20 [bronze dragon]: vardin smiles "that way none of you will get attacked by others of my kind those rings will protect you as well as amplify your powers some
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Jasmine:smiles at ring-
2009-10-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna frowns.
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Jasmine:umm...
2009-10-20 [bronze dragon]: walks up to rayana and waves my hand over the ring and the stone turns in to the same design as her pendant "is that better?" whispers in her ear "its also so I won't lose you"
2009-10-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna looks at the girl, "We are hanging out Jasmine." sighing she sat back down and plays with her necklace.
2009-10-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna looks at the dragon,"Hmmmmm
2009-10-20 [bronze dragon]: vardin seams to start fading away slowly
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Jasmine:i ment away from the dragon
2009-10-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna looks at Jasmine, "Why?"
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Jasmine:he scares me
2009-10-20 [bronze dragon]: vardin shifts into a little dragon form and says with puppy dog like eyes "how is this scary?"
2009-10-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna rolls her eyes at them.
2009-10-20 [bronze dragon]: vardin crawls over to rayna and curls up in her lap
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Jasmine:walks off with head down-
2009-10-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna didn't move.
2009-10-20 [bronze dragon]: another me flies out of rayna's lap and lands on jasmine's shoulder whispers to her "Iam sorry that I scare you but Iam not here to harm only to protect besides you could easily harm me more then I would be willing to you"
2009-10-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna still didn't move.
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Jasmine:no...i
2009-10-20 [bronze dragon]: vardin smiles "well your not the only one but she is a tough cookie how about you and I be friends nothing wrong with that right besides Iam just lying in her lap not like Iam going to try any thing I know she would try to incinerate me"
2009-10-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Now Rayna moved, she turn her head to Jasmine, "Hmmmmmmmm."
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Jasmine:well..
2009-10-20 [bronze dragon]: "well do you like some one else as well? you know that ring was made just for you no one else can wear it"
2009-10-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna looked at them and shugged and turn her head, then plays with her necklace.
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Jasmine:well..
2009-10-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna nods, "It's because my hair is pink and my eyes are red."
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Jasmine:jumps- you.....can...
2009-10-20 [bronze dragon]: "she is a loner and Iam trying to get through to her Iam problubly the only one of my kind you will ever meet I truely like her and hope she will let some one into her heart it would be good for her. Iam sorry I took you away from your family I could take you back there if you want. but know this if you ever need my help just say my name into the rig ans I will come to help you"
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Jasmine:are you kidding.......
2009-10-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna, "I will never let anyone into my heart, thank you very much Vardin. And Jasmine I can hear you." Still playing with the necklace.
2009-10-20 [bronze dragon]: smiles and forms back to one standing in human form next to jasmine. "rayna your ring is the same also only you or the dragon leader can take those rings off. but I hope you don't your the only ones I have ever given such a gift to"
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Jasmine:-falls to knee's-
Heatra:lands in camp- did i walk in on somthing
2009-10-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna looks at the girl then to Heatra, she just shugged.
2009-10-20 [bronze dragon]: vardin gets down next to jasmine "are you ok?"
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Heatra:Ok...th
2009-10-20 [bronze dragon]: vardin helps jasmine up and then looks at heatra "rayko when looking for you. Iam pretty sure he didn't find you because I lost your trail."
2009-10-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna looks at Heatra, "So what was all that power I was feeling , huh?"
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Heatra:i...los
2009-10-20 [bronze dragon]: vardin walks over to rayna and helps her up showing the ring on her hand to heatra.
2009-10-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna, "Yeah and I'm Mary Queen of Scots." She rolled her eyes and plays with her necklace.
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Heatra:do you honestlly want to see what you were sencing
2009-10-20 [bronze dragon]: vardin smiles "me and heatra are on the same level almost when we are both pissed"
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Heatra:eh
2009-10-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna pulls away from Vardin,"Ummmm what the hell are you two talking about, huh?"
2009-10-20 [bronze dragon]: "just that emotions do contribute to power level
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: HEatra:indeed they do...........I
2009-10-20 [WASHACKED]: Jace nodded, "A demon, got her."
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Heatra:growls slightly-
Rayko:calm it..domnitrix is gone
Irene:it hurts... V.V
JAsmine:ouch >.<
2009-10-20 [bronze dragon]: pulls a pack out of mid air a bed in front of me "lay her down"
2009-10-20 [WASHACKED]: Jace rasied an eyebrow but layed her down
2009-10-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna got up and looked at the young couple.Sh ran to Jace, "Demon! What demon? What did he look like?"
2009-10-20 [WASHACKED]: Jace frouned and explaned the demon to her,
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Rayko:sits beside eirene:you 2 took on a D class demon alone...nice job brat
Irene:-winks and thumbs up-
2009-10-20 [bronze dragon]: vardin gets to work on her leg after sleeping her "this is going to be difficult"
2009-10-20 [WASHACKED]: Jace gave a smiled and looked at Irene, "Well after one hit she was knocked out but I don't blam her with that cut."
2009-10-20 [bronze dragon]: vardin starts to knit her leg back together
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Irene:sticks her tounge out at jace-
2009-10-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna nods, and walks to the Vardin,"Here let me help, I know about healing."
2009-10-20 [bronze dragon]: vardins eyes flick up at her then returns to what I was doing "your help would be nice"
2009-10-20 [WASHACKED]: Jace looked at Heatra out of the corrner of his eye and turned bacl to Irene with a smile
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: HEatra:small orb starts to grow infornt of his 2 hands- Dodge this...you old bat
2009-10-20 [WASHACKED]: Jace shrugged, "I think he lost it."
2009-10-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna nods and pulls out the fire stone and call's it power to her and moves Vardin hands out of the way and puts her own hand on the girls leg and starts healing it.
2009-10-20 [bronze dragon]: hetra that much power here will destablize me and put her life endanger it will take time to fix this please wait revenge will be swift
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Heatra:pulls hands close to him,wind starts to blow hard-
School Of The Undefeated Of The East!
Rayko:umm....i dont know what he is doing but im sencing a major spike in power
2009-10-20 [bronze dragon]: throws both my blades into them and they start to drain him "heatra we will get them we just need to regroup trust me"
2009-10-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna still healing the Irene, "So Irene dose your leg hurt anymore?"
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Heatra:is not affected by blades- Ultimate Secret Technique!
attack in question :D )
Irene:looking at her brother in horror-
2009-10-20 [bronze dragon]: vardin grabs heatra "stop this my comrade please"
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Heatra:SEKIHA-
Irene:scared >.<-
2009-10-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna finshed healing and turned to Heatra and uses he stone to stop him by draining his power. "You will stop."
2009-10-20 [WASHACKED]: Jace looked at Irene and went over to her, "Are you OK?"
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Heatra:panting for breath as arm is charred-
-view is changed to ahead of everyone as everything is gone-
2009-10-20 [bronze dragon]: blades come back to me combining them into one forming a barrier around every one protecting them from the blast
2009-10-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna had drain alot of power and fainted she fell to the ground.
2009-10-20 [bronze dragon]: "hetra you know what that techniq takes out of you why weaken youre self like that?" goes to rayna and trys to revive her
2009-10-20 [WASHACKED]: Jace frouned and held Irene
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Jasmine:Rayna! -comes over to her-
Heatra:drops to a knee as a black mist leaves heatra's body-i....i...
2009-10-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna didn't move but the fire stone fell from her hand.
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Jasmine:catche
2009-10-20 [bronze dragon]: vardin takes jasmines hand and pulls on her power trying to infuse some of ours combined to help rayna
2009-10-20 [WASHACKED]: Jace shook his head, "I dont know...."
2009-10-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna still didn't move.
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Heatra:looks up as a dark fog grows in the distance-
2009-10-20 [bronze dragon]: picks up the stone and use's the same technique I used on jasmine
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Irene:i....oh come here -grabs jace's head kisses him-
2009-10-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna moaned but didn't wake up.
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Jasmine:maybe she needs -gulps- oxygen?
2009-10-20 [WASHACKED]: Jace blushed and kissed her back
2009-10-20 [bronze dragon]: vardin roars and grabs heatra "help me save her"
2009-10-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna wakes up and gets up and walks to Heatra,"You almost killed me back there."
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Irene:continue
Heatra:im spent....but..
2009-10-20 [WASHACKED]: Jac blushed redded as he continued as well
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Irene:-giggles
2009-10-20 [bronze dragon]: vardin catches heatra reversing the affect of my blades gathering energy and pumping it into heatra
2009-10-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna blinked.
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: HEatra:energy isnt my need...its just...stamina -falls asleep-
2009-10-20 [WASHACKED]: Jace blushed deeper, "You tasete better."
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Irene:giggles- be honest -touches jaces face- what were you thinking of doing before thedomnitrix arrived
2009-10-20 [bronze dragon]: vardin smiles and sheathes his swords then grabs rayna and kisses her
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Jasmine:dramti
2009-10-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna sent out a fire dart to Vardin's head.
2009-10-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna pulls back and turns and walks to the chair and sat down.
2009-10-20 [bronze dragon]: vardin shakes his head some "you know fire is something that Iam immune to" pulls jasmine over and kisses her cheek
2009-10-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna pulls back and turns and walks to the chair and sat down.
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